Please follow the instructions below to run the MIMUscope. 1. Setup python Go through the document for installation python and dependencies 2. Running MIMUscope In the folder MIMUscope you will find the file named "main". Run it (or open it) using "pythonw". Done !! Make a shortcut of this fle on your desktop. For Linux user: - Before run the MIMUscope, please check the available of serial ports by following commands. e.g. > dmesg | grep tty - Check the serial port's permission to which device is connected by enter below command. e.g. > ll /dev/ttyACM0 - If there is no write permission in above command, then give read-write permission to serial port e.g > sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0 For more clarification, please refer the screenshot( - Run the file named "main" by using below command > sudo python main.pyw